We exceed the expectations of the most demanding customers

Quality control

Quality of services

Atyrau Nomad Auto seeks to best fit the needs of customers. For this matter, the company has developed, implemented and successfully operates an integrated quality management system.

Quality standards

The system of quality management was built in full compliance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and meets the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008; ISO 14001: 2004; OHSAS 18001: 2007.

Key principles


Making work safe for the life and health of the company's employees, the customer, third parties and the environment is our priority


We create and strengthen the trust of the Customer that all his requirements for the quality of construction and installation works will be fulfilled.


We ensure compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001: 2008; ISO 14001: 2004; OHSAS 18001: 2007.


We carry out constant monitoring, analyze and improve the integrated quality management system;


There are no insignificant customers and partners for us. We develop mutually beneficial cooperation with customers and suppliers based on an understanding of joint goals and objectives.

Operating structure

We clearly distribute the authorities and responsibilities in the field of quality at all levels of company management.

The policy of quality, ecology, employees protection and safety management

    • To aim for effective functioning, improvement, and growth of the effectivities of the Integrated Management System that meets the requirements of international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.

    • Ensure stable quality of construction and installation works, focusing on the requirements and expectations of customers, compliance with the assumed contractual obligations.

    • Comply with the legislative and regulatory requirements of the Republic of Kazakhstan related to the quality of construction and installation works, environmental safety, laws in the field of safety working, as well as other requirements that the company has undertaken to fulfill.

    • Ensure the protection of staff against the influence of negative factors of production, introduce effective work and rest schedules, improve social and living conditions in production, introduce effective tools of collective and individual protection, guided by the principle of prioritizing the life and health of workers in relation to the results of production activities;
  • To provide the necessary resources to achieve goals in the field of quality, ecology, health and safety.

  • Ensure the prevention of any accidents and emergencies; promote the involvement of staff in addressing issues in the field of quality, ecology, safety and labor protection.

  • To increase the competence of workers, to introduce continuous systems for training company staff about safe working conditions, to set persistent behavioral attitudes to comply with the requirements of safety and environmental protection.

  • Ensure the protection of natural resources when using machinery and equipment, as well as in the process of technological activities in order to reduce the harmful effects on the environment.

  • Ensure continuous monitoring, measurement and improvement of the Integrated Management System processes.

  • Ensure a clear distribution of capabilities and responsibilities of employees in the field of quality, environmental safety and labor protection.

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